Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Double-Take

I'm currently in Montréal for Worldcon, and I happened to sit in on a panel about taboos in writing, just because, you know, it was there and we've discussed edgy fic a lot on this blog. Anyway, as I'm sitting there, a woman in the audience asked about the prevalence of YA lit in the SFF market, and the panelists could not name any GLBTQ YA fiction.


Clearly this situation has to be remedied.

Now this is what you should do, YAYAers: Go out into the world and tell everyone how progressive and nifty YA fiction is. Tell them how we hit those taboos and we hit them hard. Tell them how moving, exciting, literary and deathless the prose of your favorite YA writer is. Tell everyone you can, because YA isn't getting the recognition it deserves!


Sage said...

Really? Who was on this panel, anyway?

Sophie W. said...

Well, one of the women was a published author (reputable third party publishers). Another actually had credits working in the LGBTQ community, and in kink, so I thought that she would have known...

She didn't know of any trans YA characters either and I wanted to stand up and shout "LUNAAAAAAAA!"

But I won't name names. :)

Sophie W. said...
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