Friday, June 27, 2008


I write books for teens. OLDER teens. Ones that know the fun of a good make-out session. Ones that know how much it sucks when your boyfriend hooks up with your best friend or when said best friend nails you with a taco during a food fight.

So with my sometimes… racy content, why don’t I just write for adults? Funny you should ask! I was just about to give you five reasons.

The five reasons why I write YA novels:

1.) I love to use words such as tool, lame, and like way too much to sound like an adult. And I mean in regular life. Imagine what it’s like in my books, man!

2.) I have an active imagination. And for some reason, it’s always imagining a first kiss, first love, first romance.

3.) To me there’s something about that summer between high school and college that is life changing. And even when my characters are younger than that, I love that theme. It’s not quite Growing Up, because that sounds terribly lame, but it’s a realization of “Oh my God. I’m too old to keep doing this sh*t!”

4.) By growing apart from your parents, you somehow get closer to them. I love when my characters get that in my books.

5.) Because only in YA is a kiss scandalous, a friend betrayal worth a cat-fight, and an undead boyfriend somehow still a good idea!

So I’m guess if you’re reading YAYA, you love YA too! And if you write it, WHY? I’d love to hear the reasons!!!!!



amy said...

I'm writing YA because I love the drama inherent in that time of life. Teenagers are so wonderfully self-dramatizing, and every event -- from a pimple to a zombie attack -- is treated with the same "zomg drama!" attitude. It makes for great characters.

bethany griffin said...

Yay YA. Yeah, someone just read an ARC of Handcuffs and was like, yeah, this totally reminded me of being a teenager and everything being so real you felt like you were going to get sick. I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore. :)
I thought that was a good compliment!

Suzanne Young said...

Bethany, I can't wait to throw up all over your book!

Which by the way, comes out in December! :)

Amanda Morgan said...

Because it's fun. And if that's not a good reason to write a book, I don't know what is. I also love the pace and the characters and the excitement of firsts. :)

Trish said...

Suz twisted my arm to comment, but I can't think of a profound reason I write YA.

It's just more fun.

bethany griffin said...

Trish, didn't you tell me that you write YA because it's an easy sell, because those editors, especially at the ones that work for houses starting with the letter D, will buy any old crap, and that we'll all be rich as soon as we can pump out a few of them "Harry Potters"? Or was that someone else who said that... I can't remember....

Suzanne Young said...

HAHAHAHA, Bethany! I heard that too! Something about... teenagers read anything....

No seriously. I write it for the sex. hahahahaha

Trish said...

HAHAHAH, Bethany! If only that were true... then I wouldn't be tearing my hair out revising my "any old crap".

Sasha said...

You guys crack me up. :) I love the pace, too, which is also one of the reasons I love to read YA. Another big draw is the fact that teen characters always seem to be in the process of discovering who they really are and what they can really do. Life should always be like that. We should always stay awake and alive.

Megan said...

Suz, are you saying if your husband kissed some hussy there would not be a scandal?

Anyway, go YA!

Suzanne Young said...

Love it, Meggy. haha. It might be a scandal, but it's not like the whole school would find out by lunch, leaving me no choice but to shoulder bump some slut into a locker. hahaha

Life in high school is so much more dramatic!!!

LizR said...

I love the pace and the newness of everything. There's also something about the way a character can be trying to figure out how to control their own life and make their own decisions in the midst of so many authority figures who might be working to steer them in a different direction.

Jewel Allen said...

The best books I've read have been YA. I know I am always in for a treat. Brings me back to my teenagehood and I re-live the tingles :-).

Cat Hellisen said...

I didn't know that I wrote YA, and I'm still not convinced. :D

I like to write what I want to read (I'm selfish 'kay), and often the protags are between 16 and 19 and are just in that stage of life where they think they know everything, and proceed to fuck up their lives and everyone else's around them. But, like, in a *good* way.

And I like to write about people realising they're in love with the wrong person, which isn't really age-specific I know, but there's so much more drama and angst involved when you're writing YA. Fun fun fun. :D

Anonymous said...

One day when I was writing my first novel I realized that what I was writing was YA without ever intending it. Then the flood gates opened and pretty much everything else has been YA. I love it!

And I love to read it. It fits nicely with my attention span. Door stoppers scare me.